Become a Nexme Title & Escrow partner

Grow your business by working directly with home sellers.

Working with Nexme, you will have a direct connection to home sellers.

Get the word out 
We give you visibility and brand awareness by promoting you to sellers who are looking to sell their home on their own.
On-App  Marketing
With maximum exposure across our website and mobile app, your title and escrow company will be an easy choice for interested sellers. We will prominently place your logo throughout our platform.
Simplified  Transactions
Nexme’s technology makes title and escrow transactions easier than ever before. By acting a trusted third party, we streamline the entire process and provide peace of mind to both parties.
Nexme IOS app download
Nexme Android App, Google Play Store

Available Locations

Where is Nexme available?
Nexme is available in Washington state and Massachusetts.
California coming soon!